The success of our design
team relies on working with all our partner
designers in order to find the best results at the
best price...... |
Our R&D Depatement is Always looking around
the world for new technologies and
new products to use for the upcoming concept
design ... . |
Lighting Design & Application

Lighting Design indoor and outdoor became very important in the architectural industry. More and more lighting became the key point of the construction for two reasons, the first is the Daylight Design and Nightlight Design, the second is safe energy using LED technologies with intelligent fixture that can give us the opportunity to use for Daylight and Nightlight, after more then 15 years of Entertainment experience we do have the knowhow. With this intelligent fixture technology we can programme and run everything on automation system, no engineer or operator will be needed for closing, opening or changing the atmosphere during the day and night, everything will run on computer software and be in control 24h. The new generation coming will be able to use lighting colour code for any purpose…….
Light Design solutions.
Parks & Landscapes
Hotels & Hospitality
Historical & Cultural
Bridges & Structures
Retail & Shopping
Sport & Leasure
Offices & Corporations
Theater & Television
Clubs & Houses of Worship
* for more information please get contact with and ask for the DVD